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Everything you need to know about cyberattacks, and the cybersecurity gadgets to protect you

Everything you need to know about cyberattacks, and the cybersecurity gadgets to protect you

Before we delve into anything, it’s important to know exactly what the definition of a cyberattack is—and to know what it’s not. Merriam-Webster defines a cyberattack as “an attempt to gain illegal access to a computer or computer system for..
The best Super Bowl gadgets to host a fantastic party

The best Super Bowl gadgets to host a fantastic party

Super Bowl Sunday is one of the biggest nights of the year. Even if you don’t like football, there’s still a good chance that you’ll be watching the big game. Especially if you’re excited to see the first female Super..
New gadgets 2020 has in store for us

New gadgets 2020 has in store for us

We know, we sound like a broken record, but we’re always excited about new products. And some of these new gadgets 2020 has in store for us are pretty amazing. Especially since so many of them are designed to make..
Should you buy an 8K TV in 2020?

Should you buy an 8K TV in 2020?

One of the biggest questions you might be thinking is, “What in the world does 8K even mean?” The simple version: It’s four times better than 4K, which means an even better picture than what you see on the 4K..
The best PS4 controllers you can buy right now

The best PS4 controllers you can buy right now

Choosing a controller is important. And there are so many factors to consider. You want to make sure you have the best PS4 controller to meet your needs, but first, you have to figure out what those needs are. How much..
The best gadgets from CES 2020 to make you feel like Captain Picard

The best gadgets from CES 2020 to make you feel like Captain Picard

Most people have a Star Trek captain preference. Mine has always been and will always be Captain Jean-Luc Picard. I’m a Next Generation girl down to my bones, and Picard is it for me. I’m sure a lot of it..