Articles by Lauren Wadowsky

This magnetic water bottle is better for the environment
This magnetic water bottle is better for the environment
We all want more flexibility in life. So why do we limit our water bottles to just carrying water? The ultimate portable beverage container should maximize space and options. It should provide space for the water we all need, plus..
Microsoft Teams vs. Slack – which platform is better for remote teams?
Microsoft Teams vs. Slack – which platform is better for remote teams?
Have you suddenly found yourself and your team working from home for the foreseeable future? Or maybe you’d like to set up a remote team to help you run your business without a traditional brick-and-mortar office? Either way, you’re probably..
Highly customizable skirts that are good for the environment
Highly customizable skirts that are good for the environment
Women are busy. Whether you’re a time-strapped mom, working professional, or both, you need something that can streamline your daily routines, especially when it comes to getting dressed. If choosing outfits for work, going out, or for a trip stresses..
Coronavirus misinformation – how tech companies are dealing with it
Coronavirus misinformation – how tech companies are dealing with it
This week, with people working from home, kids home from school, and all social events canceled, we’ll be scrolling on our devices from our home-office setups more than ever. However, we know that coronavirus misinformation is rife online. Even if..
An eco-friendly ice melter that will protect your dog and the environment
An eco-friendly ice melter that will protect your dog and the environment
Rock salt keeps our roads, driveways, and sidewalks bone-dry during the winter. But every positive has its negative. The downsides to rock salt are corrosion, potholes, plant chlorosis, and more. Wouldn’t it be great if we could combat winter ice..
This dog waste pail makes it easier to clean up after Fido
This dog waste pail makes it easier to clean up after Fido
Dogs poop a lot. And, unless you live in the middle of a forest, you have to clean it up. It’s probably the worst part of owning a dog—other than when you don’t clean up the backyard and end up..
A car accountability app is the easy way to be a good Samaritan
A car accountability app is the easy way to be a good Samaritan
You pass a car with its lights on in the parking lot. Oh well, I guess they’ll find out later, you think. All the other people who pass this car think the same thing. But what if there was a..
A pocket hand axe can help in any outdoor situation
A pocket hand axe can help in any outdoor situation
Heavy axes and knives are a pain to lug around. Not only do they cause backaches and muscle strain, but they can also slow you down. This isn’t so great for when you want to move quickly and stealthily to..
Are wireless chargers as fast as they promise to be?
Are wireless chargers as fast as they promise to be?
When vendors unveiled wireless charging at CES 2010, they promised a future without wired charging. One where you could simply place your smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch on a table or desk and have it fully charged in a couple of hours...
Are smart speakers listening to your secret conversations?
Are smart speakers listening to your secret conversations?
With 24% of US adults—60 million people—owning smart speaker devices, it’s safe to say that the technology is pretty popular. Many of us own more than one, and the average smart speaker home contains 2.6 devices. Alexa and Google Assistant..
This posture support device will help you stand straighter
This posture support device will help you stand straighter
Nearly 65 million Americans report episodes of back pain. And the cause of most of that pain? Bad posture. Poor posture can weaken the tissues in your lower back, pushing your network of muscles, discs, and joints in your back..
Where we are with self-driving cars in 2020?
Where we are with self-driving cars in 2020?
In 2016, Uber began testing driverless cars along Pittsburgh’s famously difficult roads. The company chose Pittsburgh as one of its testing grounds for driverless cars for several reasons. One was to develop its partnership with Carnegie Mellon University. Another was..

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