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Best multi-room smart speakers you can buy today

Best multi-room smart speakers you can buy today

If you are looking for more than your otherwise simple Bluetooth speaker or the one that floats in your pool, multi-room smart speakers are your thing. However, these need not be in multiple rooms if you don’t want them. You..
9 futuristic nighttime gadgets to help you sleep better

9 futuristic nighttime gadgets to help you sleep better

You’ve been working on updating your home. You have smart devices in your kitchen, in your living room, in your bathroom… Heck, you probably even have a lot of smart features in your car. But have you thought about your..
13 Spring break travel gadgets to have the best trip ever

13 Spring break travel gadgets to have the best trip ever

You know how that old saying goes: It’s about the journey, not the destination. Nah, it’s about the destination. You’re not getting on that plane full of screaming kids and sick people simply for the pleasure of it. You’re getting..
3 Limited edition gadgets that make your everyday tech stand out

3 Limited edition gadgets that make your everyday tech stand out

If you like your devices to be more than just items you’ll want to upgrade within the next year or two, check out the limited edition gadgets below. Not just your run-of-the-mill flip phone or game console, these are items..
The top tech gifts so far this year under $100

The top tech gifts so far this year under $100

We all have that one person. You’ve asked them repeatedly for their Amazon Wish List. You’ve asked them about a million times for ideas. And then their birthday rolls around, and you have a big, fat nothing to get them...
The best kitchen gadgets with AI technology you can buy today

The best kitchen gadgets with AI technology you can buy today

Kitchens are changing. Technology is improving everything around us, and, pretty soon, we’ll have our own Rosie the Robot zipping around to do everything for us. And artificial intelligence is even impacting the food we cook and eat, as an..