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6 Posture-improving accessories to save the day (and your back)

6 Posture-improving accessories to save the day (and your back)

How can bad posture affect your work life? From bad moods to poor sleep, bad posture brings a multitude of health hazards to your life. According to experts, bad posture actually “retrains your body to function inappropriately.” Is a standing..
10 Money-saving hacks your wallet will thank you for

10 Money-saving hacks your wallet will thank you for

How much should we put away in savings? It really depends on age. For under 30s, you should be putting away 20% of your income after taxes. Are online investments reliable and safe? Like with everything on the internet, you..
How much does it cost to launch your own startup in 2018?

How much does it cost to launch your own startup in 2018?

Serial entrepreneur, Abdo Riani, wrote this awesome step-by-step guide to building your own self-funded startup. Looking for inspiration? Here are 35 successful startups that were built on cents. This list of money-saving tips will help you grow your own business..
Is technology really making our lives better?

Is technology really making our lives better?

There are 8.4 billion devices connected to the internet worldwide. That’s more than one device per person in the entire world. The Apple Watch can do a lot more than send you app alerts and messages. Its heart rate sensor..
How to boost your internet connection at home

How to boost your internet connection at home

For the first time ever, a self-driving car has killed a pedestrian. However, the police are saying that Uber’s fully autonomous vehicle may not be at fault. If you’re looking for more computer storage, your search may be over. Nimbus..
Food for thought – how to use technology to eat healthy

Food for thought – how to use technology to eat healthy

Apple has patented a keyboard that is completely dirt-resistant so you snack while you work without worry. The fast-food robot “Flippy” from California has been decommissioned for being too slow. Healthy-eating starts at home. Here’s how you can organize your..