Love Wine? The Spirale Glass Makes it Even Better

Unlike some alcoholic beverages, wine is something to savor. Whether you like the red stuff or something sweeter, the sediment-catching Spirale Wine Glass will improve the experience. Due to its ingenious design, this glass removes the bitter stuff. It means your favorite vintage stays super smooth.
– Unique hand-blown shape collects sediment at the base
– Reduces bitterness and makes wine smoother
– Premium design yet dishwasher safe
The special Spirale Glass
We all like to get a bit pretentious about wine. But you don’t have to be an expert to appreciate the Spirale Wine Glass. You don’t even have to aerate your vino or spit into a bucket.
That’s because these glasses just make any wine taste better, straight from the bottle. More specifically, the hand-blown design helps to remove the bitter sediment. It also improves the texture, taking away any hint of graininess. In white wines, the glass syphons away all the little crystals (tartrates) on the surface. It makes your decanter completely redundant.
All this good work is done by the corkscrew shape at the bottom of the glass. This innovative design allows the sediment to sink, but prevents it rising again. Because they are crafted by hand, the glasses each have their own subtle details.
[tweet_box]The sediment-catching Spirale Glass makes your favorite vintage super smooth[/tweet_box]
Just as importantly, the Spirale glasses get the basics right. They are durable enough for everyday use, and dishwasher-safe. The elegant form brings class to any dinner party, and top wine experts have written glowing reviews.
”With our premium, hand-crafted Spirale design, you are able to enjoy your wine like never before. Its patented spiral at the bottom of the glass captures the sediment in wine, which reveals its richness while ensuring a smoother finish. Savor and enjoy every last sip.” — Spirale Kickstarter
What we ❤️
An innovative twist on a classic design, which actually improves your taste experience.
Future designs
Could the spiral idea be applied to other drinks? That would be a neat idea.
– Kickstarter: Until June 15th
– Pledge: $49
– Gadget Flow Members get a 2-Pack for $45 or a 4-pack for $80!
– Delivery: November 2017