Office Gadgets

1701 Office Gadgets

1701 Office Gadgets

These cool desk gadgets and desk accessories designed to simplify and enhance your office tech and home office, providing convenience and also boosting efficiency at work.

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Wireless Charger Magic Mouse By Mobee

The Magic Charger from Mobee Technology is the world’s first inductive charger dedicated for the Apple Magic Mouse

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Mobo Computer Station ergonomic chair-mount keyboard tray

The Mobo is a revolutionary keyboard and mouse tray system that attaches directly to your existing office chair (arms) instead of to your desk

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Portable Drink Clip Desk Cupholder ensures you always have a spot for your glass

Your morning coffee is a necessity, but you don’t want it to take up inconvenient space on your desk

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Fjader Pen With Stand

Fjader is the Swedish word for “feather” and this distinctive pen is a modern interpretation of an Old World feather pen

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Paper Airplane Push Pins

Do you ever miss the days of paper airplanes and spit balls? Why does work have to be so serious? It doesn’t

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Vintage Camera Pencil Sharpener

The occasion to use a pencil doesn’t happen all that often for us anymore, but we still keep a few around for sketches, plans and back of an envelope math

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CableStrip Desk Cable Organizer

Don’t want the disconnected cables to drop from your desk for quick access? Take a look at CableStrip, the desk cable organizer should be able to help you

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