Make/100 MusicCloth® City Map

Bring a unique piece of art into your home with the Make/100 MusicCloth® City Map. By recycling old cassette tapes and weaving them into a piece of cloth, the MusicCloth® creates various city maps. To reduce and eliminate e-waste, MusicCloth® gives old products new life. Each MusicCloth® piece is traced by the name of the original cassette tape that is used to weave that particular piece. There are numerous options for you to choose from. Likewise, you can select your birth city, the city you live in or even the world. The Local Local option displays the city you are born, raised and live in. Similarly, the Dual Citizen shows you were born in one city and raised or live in another. Other options include multi-local with three to four cities or Global Citizen, featuring a world map.

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Discovered on Jan 9, 2018, 4:00 pm EST
Discovered by Michael Cheng
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