Barro Preto Portuguese Black Ceramic Kitchenware

Enjoy beautiful kitchenware while supporting a dying age-old craft with the Barro Preto Portuguese Black Ceramic Kitchenware. Barro Preto, or Portuguese black ceramic, is famous for its distinct black color. It is a result of one of Portugal’s oldest handicrafts that dates back a few hundred years. The black color is a result of the cooking process that removes the oxygen as well as the type of porous clay used. Historically, Barro Preto has many uses, which are still applicable today. You can use it to cook food, serve food on the table. Additionally, cooking with Barro Preto produces a rich natural flavor that is unique. It also better retains the taste and the temperature of the food. Finally, the modern Barro Preto collection includes items for the stovetop, oven, and the table.

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Discovered on Jan 15, 2018, 4:06 pm EST
Discovered by Ashley Timms
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