Tripcase and notebook by Hardgraft

This Tripcase and notebook combination by Hardgraft relives the authentic spirit of taking notes and keeping your ideas under the covers of your notebook once again. No matter how digital we might have gone in our ways of storing ideas, a notebook and a pen still rules the table. The Tripcase just ensures you get to carry all your office supplies along with the notebook at once which could also include your phone as well. Built out of uber premium vegetable tanned Italian leather, the case looks nothing but stunning. So does the notebook whose cover has been artistically made out of Austrian wool. Another Hardgraft excellence which looks ideal as an accessory to keep old methods of writing alive forever.

Buy Now - $196
Gadget Flow Rating 9.8/10
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Discovered on Jun 13, 2014, 8:00 am EDT
Discovered by Genevieve Healey
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