Prepare yourself for amazement with the Apojee Jam X. This incredibly compact handheld device actually has a built-in analog compressor. It allows you to truly shape and create your music before it ever hits your virtual amp sim. So this device lets you record clean or give your guitar tones new freedom. Moreover, it offers 3 types of compression presets. First, Smooth Leveler is the lowest amount of compression. Then, Purple Squeeze is a medium amount of compression, and Vintage Blue Stomp provides an aggressive amount of compression. Additionally, you can use Blend mode to record with no latency whatsoever. Compatible with headphones or powered speakers to improve your audio quality playback, it also has high-resolution sample rates of up to 96k!
Apojee Jam X analog compressor gives you new creative abilities before a virtual amp sim
Apojee Jam X analog compressor gives you new creative abilities before a virtual amp sim
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