Instantly and effortlessly print in Braille with the Vrailler DIY Braille Printing Kit. In the same way that you use a pen for writing, the handheld device makes it possible to print out pieces of text in Braille on the go, such as medicine labels, or business cards, menu cards, or even in books. The Vrailler can be used to print multiple languages in Braille, giving it accessibility on a much larger scale. Plus it can be easily carried around and operated by pretty much anyone, and even comes with a Braille Guide. In its effort to make braille more accessible, the Vrailler is perfect for schools, allowing visually disabled children to have access to information, as well as in offices, to make them much more inclusive to all. Its small size means it can be carried around anywhere, allowing you to make small changes as you go, and make the world a much better place for people who need it.