Better connectivity comes at an affordable price with the Google Pixel 4a 5G smartphone. Offering an edge-to-edge display, this smartphone has the best of the Pixel 4a but with a 5G experience. So now you can get an all-around faster browsing experience that lets you download movies in seconds. Moreover, you’ll get faster video streaming, photo scrolling, and music downloading. With its ultrawide rear lens, it offers bracketing for crystal clear photos so you can capture more from the scene. Furthermore, its Night Sight feature makes your Portrait mode great even in the dark. Three stabilization modes give you different effects for your videos, and a new hold feature makes Google Assistant do the call waiting for you. Running on the Titan M chip, the Google Pixel 4a 5G also has a more powerful battery that offers extreme battery saver features to extend its life for up to 48 hours.
Google Pixel 4a 5G smartphone offers a gorgeous edge-to-edge display
Google Pixel 4a 5G smartphone offers a gorgeous edge-to-edge display
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It even gives you Hollywood effects for your videos.