The SLICER works just like a normal sled on snow, but it also works on grass! Instead of putting the sled on a slippery frozen surface, a slippery frozen surface is put on the bottom of the sled! Each SLICER sled comes with two special molds, called ICERS, that are used to freeze thin blocks of ice (in a standard side-by-side refrigerator/freezer) that are then attached to the bottom of the sled.
When outdoor temperatures are above freezing, the melting ice provides for a very slippery surface, providing up to an hour of winter sledding fun year round! The SLICER’s smooth contoured shape and low profile runners also make it a great snow sled, on packed snow as well as deep powder.
Its rugged double-walled unibody, high-density polyethylene plastic design allows the SLICER to absorb bumps while cushioning riders weighing up to 200 lbs.
The SLICER is a sled with unparalleled versatility and appeals to kids and adults of all ages.
It can be purchased from several sources, including (with free shipping) direct from the manufacturer’s website at Icesled.