Eliminate germs on countertops, hard floors, and more using UV light – and leave harsh chemicals under the sink where they belong. In the fight against germs, chemicals are our first and last line of defense. But in many of the places we need them most – like the kitchen or the nursery – they also pose the greatest danger. We rely on cleaning chemicals to keep us safe from dangerous bacteria, but they come with environmental and health risks of their own – risks that most of us accept simply because there isn’t a better alternative. Common detergents and cleaners can release harmful gases, soak into porous wooden surfaces, contaminate local water supplies, and breed superbugs – not to mention leave your hands feeling dry and cracked. But now, there’s another way: UVe. UVe is a self-driving, housekeeping companion that uses UV light to disinfect surfaces while you’re away, taking the work off your hands and leaving harsh chemicals out of the equation entirely.