The AMPSound is an easy-to-use, personal hearing stereo amplifiers that double as rechargeable Bluetooth headphones. They are unique in the way that they combine the benefits of not one, but three different products into a pair of beautifully designed stereo headphones. Use AMPSound as personal hearing amplifiers, Bluetooth stereo headphones or a Bluetooth earpiece for phone calls. With the ability to enhance sounds, you’ll be able to hear the world around you better than you ever have before. Designed as regular in-ear earbuds, AMPSound headphones are easy to use, easy to wear and require no adjustments to give you the most comfortable fit. AMPSound offers 16 levels of personalized sound. Whether you’re sitting in the back row at the movies straining to hear or in the middle of a busy coffee shop, you are in control of the noise around you. Forget about fidgeting with bulky hearing aids and painful earbuds and switch to AMPSound instead.