The Switcheroo concept gaming keyboard draws its inspiration from the Logitech K380. This concept keyboard has a built-in controller that is designed to make gaming with your keyboard much easier. The size of a standard QWERTY keyboard, the Switcheroo has direction pads in each of the top corners as well as an integrated input controller. This gives it a much wider shape than normal gaming controllers, meaning it’s great for anyone who uses their computer for designing and other tasks. Made for occasional gamers, this keyboard has an easily portable design thanks to its Bluetooth compatibility and battery operation. Moreover, it has finger notches on the back that make it easy to carry. To switch between gaming and working, use the tiny slider knob on the side. Finally, it has an empty key made for you to program yourself with your favorite shortcut or hidden feature.
Switcheroo concept gaming keyboard has a built-in controller
Switcheroo concept gaming keyboard has a built-in controller
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