CyberGate brings forth a wireless credit card-sized supercomputer to protect your identity and personal data.
It is a global solution to safeguard your digital identity, privacy, and critical data.
With sophisticated wireless biometric identification capabilities, CyberGate Personal Mobile Cloud allows you to safely log into desktops, laptops, and tablets as well as securely store files, eliminating the need for passwords and cloud-based services.
With the capacity of early smartphones, the CyberGate Personal Mobile Cloud is a comprehensive collection of technology that combines high-performance computing with low power consumption, up to 8GB of flash memory, Bluetooth Classic, Bluetooth Low-Energy, a long-lasting rechargeable battery and the GateKeeper multifactor biometric security application.
Simply put, the CyberGate Personal Mobile Cloud allows you to secure your digital identity and data, putting you back in control.