When you install the NIGHTLOCK Original door brace in your home, you’ll feel much safer. That’s because this door barricade can handle a ton of force—so no one unwanted will get in. Door frames and wood trim can shatter if your door is kicked in. And deadbolts and chains can’t always stand up to a break-in. But this home-security device truly protects your entryway doors.
Easy to install, this gadget works with doors that have a half-inch clearance, and no more than two inches, between the bottom of the door and the floor.
Simply use the two-inch-long screws and plastic anchors to mount it on tile, marble, or concrete. Incredibly strong, this product is made of solid extruded 6000 series structural aluminum.
And this door brace comes in Bright Brass, Brushed Nickel, or Dark Bronze finishes for a stylish look in your home.