Take your gaming further with the JBL Quantum 800 gaming headset. What makes this gaming headset different is that it uses a virtualized surround sound experience. That’s along with head tracking technology, QuantumSphere 360, and SURROUND. This means you can be fully immersed in your game and hear everything happening with precision. You’ll know exactly where that shooter is and be able to turn your character to take them out before they take you out. And you’ll also have QuantumENGINE, which is software that allows you to adjust EQ, sound effects, mic modes, and RGB. It’s compatible with all platforms, so it doesn’t matter if you’re a PC or Mac person or an Xbox or PlayStation fiend. Play for hours on end with its 14-hour battery life.
JBL Quantum 800 gaming headset features incredibly immersive and super accurate sound
JBL Quantum 800 gaming headset features incredibly immersive and super accurate sound
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Editor's Quote
We're excited about this headset's head-tracking technology.