Start enjoying your favorite wine one sip at a time with the Kuvée Smart Wine System.
The innovative design together with the proprietary functionality ensures to keep your wine fresh for 30 days.
So you will get the freedom to choose the glass of wine you want, whenever you want and can have the same without wasting a drop.
The system will keep your wine fresh for 30 days so that you can have several bottles open at the same time.
These bottles come with unique valves that will retain the taste of your wine for a long span of time.
By using Kuvée, you can switch between them as and when you wish to.
Not only this, but the system will also give you more information about your wine and tells you what you are drinking and where it’s from.
It will even give you suggestions on pairing it with other wines and what will bring out the best flavor.
Get this smart wine system now in the form of their starter bundle that comes with four wines having incredible taste and flavor.