What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning and the last thing you do before going to bed? Look at your smartphone. Loftie is here to help break that habit.
This bedside alarm clock features a dimmable display, a nightlight, a two-phase alarm, and custom content playable right on the device.
Loftie’s built-in sound content includes guided meditations, sound baths, breathwork exercises, sleep playlists, and a variety of other relaxing sounds.
If you’ve been looking for a cozier bedroom vibe, you’ve found it.
What’s equally important, though, is everything Loftie doesn’t do, like connect to your email, apps, and social media—and all the anxiety they bring along.
While most of us default to our smartphone’s alarm, research shows that removing technology from the bedroom is one of the best ways to enhance sleep length and quality.
Sounds dreamy, no?.