If you don’t have AC in your apartment, Evapolar evaCHILL Personal Evaporative Air Cooler is here to cool you off. With 3-in-1 functionality, this personal air cooler is also a humidifier and air purifier as well. The device has a range of about 45 feet, making it perfectly sized for individual use. On top of this, its water tank can last up to nine hours without needing to be replaced. From an environmental standpoint, this device is also stellar. It doesn’t use freon or any hazardous liquids in its production of cool air. Additionally, its cartridge pads are designed to prevent bacterial growth. This device is perfect if you’re looking for an affordable way to pump your workspace or bedroom full of cool, clean air.
Evapolar evaCHILL Personal Evaporative Air Cooler will keep you cool wherever you are
Evapolar evaCHILL Personal Evaporative Air Cooler will keep you cool wherever you are
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