Are you a star on the field? With the Adidas GMR Smart Insole, you’ll be a star in your game, too. A compact little gadget, it goes inside your shoe so you can transfer your real-life skills to EA SPORTS FIFA Mobile. In fact, this soccer cleat insole came out of a collaboration between Adidas, EA SPORTS FIFA Mobile, and Jacquard by Google. It works with any cleat style, and it’ll instantly connect you to your online gameplay. Moreover, this GMR insole notices when you improve and will ensure your skills don’t go unnoticed by your virtual teammates. Additionally, the Adidas GMR lets you achieve Skills Boosts for rewards and increase your overall OVR. And with integrated weekly challenges, this smart insole is designed for the winner you are.
Adidas GMR Smart Insole combines sports and gaming technology
Adidas GMR Smart Insole combines sports and gaming technology
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