Meet the iPhone 6 case Apple should have made. The revolutionary HYBRID Power Case from LVWRKPL (Live Work Play) enhances the appearance and improves the performance of the iPhone 6. Slip it on in seconds, and this case delivers 200% more battery, complete impact drop protection, and improves the iPhone’s speaker performance by directing the sound waves towards you. All of these must-have features are packed in an ultra slim and light-weight case covered in soft touch rubber. The HYBRID Power Case also has a built-in kickstand making it perfect for Skype, FaceTime, and YouTube allowing you to enjoy all of your favorite content on the iPhone 6 handsfree. And with RAPID CHARGE TECHNOLOGY you can fully charge your iPhone 6 in under two hours! Twice as fast as a standard USB. The HYBRID Power Case is fully compatible with the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6s.