Help clean the air from pollution with Kloters RepAir Antipollution T-Shirt. This incredible T-Shirt cleans the air around you as you wear it. Each t-shirt is capable of offsetting the emissions produced by the equivalent of two cars.
The shirts feature an insert made of the Breath, a patented material that captures pollutants like Nox VOCs, Sox, benzene, and even odors.
The insert is located in the t-shirt pocket and is water repellent.
Composed of two external printable and antibacterial layers, it encloses an intermediate, nano molecules-activated core.
This core is capable of separating, absorbing, and retaining pollutants.
RepAir works with zero impact, so it doesn’t require activation or power from an external energy source.
The RepAir t-shirt has been designed and produced in Italy.
With a stylish and timeless design, it features high-grade cotton and details to increase its durability and overall sustainability.
Now you can help clean the air you breathe just by wearing a comfy t-shirts