The Quick Start Grill automatically lighting charcoal BBQ will transform the way you grill. With charcoal igniting at 660°F, this innovative grill reaches 950°F within four minutes, meaning it ignites the charcoal faster. And you don’t have to bother with lighter fluid or gas because it does it all on its own. Furthermore, this self-lighting BBQ is a breeze to maintain and clean. It’s a truly automatic grill that still gives you the pleasure of cooking without the hassle of dealing with fuel. Quick Start is easy to transport and store, making it perfect for everything from small space living to camping to raves. As such, you can achieve that delicious charcoal-grilled flavor just about anywhere and more efficiently than ever. And, by starting the charcoal as quickly as possible, this grill uses it efficiently. So when you’re ready to grill next time, you can finish up your half-burnt briquettes.
Quick Start Grill automatically lighting charcoal BBQ ignites without lighter fluid or gas
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Quick Start Grill automatically lighting charcoal BBQ ignites without lighter fluid or gas
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