You search for the perfect outdoor gear so you have not only the best quality but also the best looking.
This should apply to your dry bag, too, which is why the Avo Dry Bag Bold Multiuse Backpack exists.
This bag is for both the outdoor adventurer and the city dweller who need a durable everyday backpack.
Of course, Avo is completely waterproof. But it’s also reflective, ensuring you stay seen on city streets and wilderness trails.
This stylish dry bag is completely airtight, so even if you’re caught in a rainstorm, your devices remain dry.
Additionally, this bold dry bag has a detachable carry sleeve to keep your laptop or tablet safe. Furthermore, this multiuse dry bag has multiple closures, so you can fold or roll the top shut. With this waterproof backpack’s welded seams, you won’t see even a drop of water inside