Experience 30% greater noise reduction than traditional pilot headphones with the Bose A20 Aviation Headset. This allows a peaceful flight with minimal distractions, allowing you to focus on the journey. And, weighing only 12 ounces, it’s comfortable to wear for short- and long-haul flights. And the sheepskin cushion and minimal clamping force provide further comfort. Moreover, the Bose A20 Aviation Headset sports a 45-hour battery life with Bluetooth connectivity, so there are no annoying cords. Best of all, you can choose customizable audio settings, such as mute when you receive a communication. Alternatively, opt for mix, which provides a combination of inbound communication. Additionally, this headset automatically shapes and equalizes incoming signals for the best clarity. Finally, you can even connect the microphone to either the left or right ear cup, which is great for comfort.
Bose A20 Aviation Headset offers 30% greater noise reduction than similar versions
Bose A20 Aviation Headset offers 30% greater noise reduction than similar versions
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It is specifically designed for pilots and maximizes comfort.