You can now take those unforgettable photos in a more relaxing way by using Clip-A-Phone.
This is an easy to use accessory which turns your smartphone into your personal cameraman who captures all your favorite moments without taking your help.
Simply pair your phone with the included Bluetooth shutter and place the clip on your favorite cap.
Then insert your phone in a way such that the camera is facing forward into the clip and secure it with the strap.
That’s just it. Your phone then becomes a live camera for all your action on the go.
The users who’ve already had their hands on the Clip-A-Phone have started using it to stream their live videos on Periscope, Meerkat or even Facebook.
The product is very useful and already popular because it gives that first person experience to the viewers who watch your videos whenever you’re at a concert.
sporting event, party, hiking etc. The product also comes with corresponding Android and iOS apps you can download from the Play Store and the App Store respectively. If you are into clicking live stream videos, this is surely a product you must go for.