The alarm goes off. Vader gets up, stretches, and slogs out of bed. He puts on his Star Wars Fleece Robe and his Darth Vader slippers, and heads to the kitchen.
Of course he enjoys a cup of Dark Side Roast, but Vader never, EVER starts his day without some toast made in his Star Wars Toaster.
And all this inside his meditation chamber! Now you can have a Star Wars Toaster of your own. Each Star Wars Toaster is molded in sturdy black plastic and meticulously detailed to look Darth Vader’s helmet. It makes an imposing addition to any kitchen counter.
Pop in two pieces of bread, frozen pancakes, hamburger buns, Alderaan muffins, or whatever, and in moments Vader ejects them with “Star Wars” toasted onto one side.
Like your toast on the darker side? A handy dial provides temperature adjustment.
With the imposing presence of Darth Vader, the Star Wars Toaster will help eaters start their day feeling ready to take over the planet, and anything else that might get in their way.