Upgrade your computer keyboard with the stunning Drop DCX Profile Keycap Set Collection. Featuring improved durability compared to the previous MT3, this series offers a shorter, subtly sculpted keycap profile. Designed to last and stand out, each keycap remains blemish-free, and you won’t find any flaws on either side. Moreover, this keycap collection includes consistent left-side alignment for all rows and symmetrical vertical margins. So you can work productively with pride. Compatible with Cherry MX switches and clones, this series keeps unsightly marks out of sight and mind on the underside of the keycap. Therefore, you won’t notice any sprue marks from filling the keycap mold. Finally, this collection is available in 3 dazzling colors: White-On-Black, Black-On-White, and Genesis.
Drop DCX Profile Keycap Set Collection features dazzling colors that make your keys pop
Drop DCX Profile Keycap Set Collection features dazzling colors that make your keys pop
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