Bring laughter to any group dynamic with the YogaLand – the Experiential Yoga Board Game. Offering more than 400 opportunities for learning – yoga poses, body alignment, yoga philosophy, Sanskrit, and chanting, along with opportunities for heart-truth sharing, this fun game is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their yoga practice. YogaLand is also educational and entertaining for those going through yoga teacher training. In fact, it is an educational tool for teacher trainers to educate and instruct. To play YogaLand, start by picking teams with two persons to a team. Each team chooses a Crystal Marker and places it on the Lotus Flower at the beginning of the eight-limbed path. The Game Guru acts as a game moderator and the orator of the Oracle of Patanjali. Additionally, the team that collectively practiced yoga the most that week gets to go first, and the game moves clockwise. Easy to play in just five simple steps, the experiential yoga board game is both inspiring and thought-provoking.