Develop your beginning, middle, and end in one fell swoop with the Freewrite smart typewriter. Enjoy writing distraction-free with only what is necessary to write in today’s modern world: a keyboard, a screen, and a way to back up and save your work. Although it has a built-in Wi-Fi connection, you won’t be tweeting, liking, or following. The Freewrite connects seamlessly to your favorite apps such as Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more. The E-Ink screen features a front light for easy review as you write. The rugged and durable aluminum body securely holds the full-sized mechanical keyboard and is complete with a handle for portability. With an internal capacity of over a million pages, the Freewrite will help you finally finish all of your writing, distraction-free.
Freewrite smart typewriter lets you write totally free of distractions
Freewrite smart typewriter lets you write totally free of distractions
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