Transform your food scrapes into organic, natural compost with the GEME microbe-base electric kitchen composter. This eco-friendly gadget combines the best of technology and science.
-Decomposes food in 6–8 hours. With the GEME, food waste breaks down in just a day. Without it, the process can take months.
-Replicates the full process of natural composting. GEME doesn’t dehydrate, bake, shred, or grind food waste. Therefore, it produces only real compost.
-Uses natural microbial decomposition methods.
-Results in on 5% of by-product after the bio waste has decomposed. These by-products improve the soil and purify water.
-Creates zero odor.
-Works anytime. You don’t have to wait for any cycles or push any buttons.
-Fits peacefully into your home with its silent design.
-Is easy to use. You don’t have to pay attention to the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio or deal with worms.