Keep your most essential cards with you at all times by using the Hacksmith The Smith’s Wallet RFID-blocking cardholder. This front-pocket wallet has RFID shielding for the inner metal holder, which can contain up to six cards. Moreover, there are two leather side pockets that can hold two more cards each. That means you can keep your 10 essential cards with you at all times. Not only that, but it also has an included elastic strap that keeps your cash, receipts, or other notes securely in place. Plus, this RFID-blocking cardholder ensures a snug fit so nothing falls loose. If you want to keep emergency bills a bit more hidden, just slide them in between your cards. Designed to be your favorite wallet, The Smith’s Wallet is one you’re sure to love.
Hacksmith The Smith’s Wallet RFID-blocking cardholder can hold cash, receipts, & 10 cards
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Hacksmith The Smith’s Wallet RFID-blocking cardholder can hold cash, receipts, & 10 cards
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It offers a snug fit to keep all your cards secure.