Kick your old ice trays to the curb and replace them with the IceTic ice tray system.
This clean and efficient ice bucket creates ice cubes and spheres, so they’re instantly available when you need them.
Incredibly, this super smart bucket produces and keeps 60 ice cubes and spheres readily available at all times.
And it does so in a very efficient way that involves 6 compartments.
Each compartment holds a silicone tray and a plastic tray that each neatly produce and preserve 10 ice cubes or spheres.
Easily and cleanly fill each tray independently, so you fill only those that are empty.
The process involves a convenient and efficient funnel that prevents water waste and messy drops all over the place.
Then, IceTic changes color to blue when the ice cubes and spheres are ready. Easily pop them out and plop them in your drink!.