Learn how to play the kalimba, or African piano, with ease using the KalimbaGo thumb piano. This Wi-Fi-connected gadget quickly mounts to many popular 17-tine kalimbas.
Make your African mbira more modern with its easy-to-use design that teaches you how to play your favorite songs.
Made with an intuitive touchscreen interface, the KalimbaGo is kind of like playing a video game.
In fact, it has a smart tuner function, which means you don’t have to deal with third-party tuning apps.
Easily connect to the KalimbaGo cloud library and get access to the growing collection of musical tabs.
So you can select and play the tunes that you want to learn.
Don’t worry about how complicated the songs seem: it intelligently breaks down complex music into learnable phrases.
Playing this thumb piano attachment is meditative and relaxing