Be more creative in the way you highlight your memos on the softboard by using these adorable Nessie Push Pins.
They are a set of 24 push pins which bear resemblance to the legendary Scottish Loch Ness Monster in the form of tails, middles and heads.
The set will give you 6 tails, 12 middles and 6 heads at once which can turn your soft board into a creepy crawly greenery with your notes and memos as base.
Designed by Duncan Shotton, a young British designer based in Tokyo, Japan, these push pins are indeed a cool stationery which has reimagined the way you organize memos.
Those boring notes can look a bit more interesting now![rb_button style=”classic” decoration=”none” color=”light” link=”http://fancy.
to/jzn455″ target=”_blank” label=”More info”] [/rb_button].