Listen to your heart’s content with the JBL Quantum 400 Over-Ear Gaming Headset. This headset boasts a built-in game-chat dial that is DISCORD certified. It even works with other communication platforms, including TeamSpeak. Moreover, your game will immerse you when you wear this gamer headset thanks to QuantumSURROUND. This technology, paired with DTS headphone:X v2.0 ensures your audio surrounds you accurately. With a flip-up boom microphone, the Quantum 400 focuses your voice for your teammates and enemies to hear you clearly. Additionally, though it’s designed for PC gaming, it also works with many other platforms. Furthermore, this lightweight gadget sits unobtrusively on your head. And these gaming headphones use a memory foam material to ensure they’re comfortable for hours on end. Because JBL knows that’s how long you game.
JBL Quantum 400 Over-Ear Gaming Headset has an integrated game-chat dial
JBL Quantum 400 Over-Ear Gaming Headset has an integrated game-chat dial
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