Improve your martial arts training with the BotBoxer Robotic Punching Bag. Designed for combat sports, this high-tech training device works as your personal sparring partner. Using high-speed motion recognition and computer vision, the BotBoxer tracks your every move. It can even see your jab and hooks coming. Additionally, it uses a set of sensors to read the velocity, force and discretion of your shots with extreme accuracy. BotBoxer can move away from your jabs and escape your punches. In fact, it reacts even faster than a world champion. With BotBoxer, you can create your own sessions by customizing program or taking on challenges. Aside from improving your technique, BotBoxer also builds your stamina and offers intense workouts. Furthermore, it is suitable for any level from beginner to pro, making smart adjustments to your level. It also provides performance statistics, so you know what you need to improve.