The unu Scooter Smart Electric Vehicle will make your commute very eco-friendly. This smart scooter uses an electric battery that is entirely silent. Not only will you not be contributing to polluting the environment but you’ll also be able to sneak up on your friends—if you feel like it. Additionally, this smart vehicle has a portable battery that charges in a regular outlet. Thanks to this design, you won’t have to constantly search for a specific place to charge up your scooter. With this scooter’s integrated navigation, you’ll always find your way no matter the destination. Plus, you can travel about 50 kilometers before needing to recharge. On top of that, there’s plenty of storage space for your backpack or change of clothes. And its shareable digital key means you and a friend or family member can both use it when necessary—without having to meet and exchange a physical key.
unu Scooter Smart Electric Vehicle has a completely silent motor
unu Scooter Smart Electric Vehicle has a completely silent motor
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