Prepare yourself in the event of a power outage when you have the Surge emergency backup light.
Allowing you to remain stress-free in a blackout, this lightbulb actually keeps working even when the power is out! But that’s not all it does.
– It’s a power-saving LED bulb.– It has a built-in self-charging battery.– The bulb lights up during a power outage.– It offers up to 6 hours of backup light.– Surge bulbs are portable for outdoor use.
– And it works like a regular bulb!Featuring Surge Switch Technology, this bulb allows normal usage of the light during a power interruption.
In fact, the light draws power from the internal rechargeable battery.
This recharges during normal usage, so you don’t have to worry about it dying when you need it most!Simply turn the light on and off at the switch to maximize battery life.
Never be left in the dark again! Rather than wasting hours of your time trapped in darkness, potentially getting injured, use this bulb to change your experience in a power outage.