Checking temperature and humidity at a glance just got easier with the SwitchBot Meter Plus smart temperature and humidity monitor. It comes with a 3-inch LCD display to help make viewing even easier. Additionally, there’s also a durable stand and magnet that allow you to place your meter anywhere. Most importantly, the monitor can give you real-time alerts and reminders regarding indoor temperature and humidity. In fact, you can also use it in conjunction with other SwitchBot smart products. The device has a 3-inch clear LCD screen that makes it easier to see temperature data. There are also easy-to-read indicators (dry/comfort/wet) that help you keep an eye on indoor humidity at all times. Coming with a durable kickstand and magnet, SwitchBot Meter Plus fits in anywhere.
SwitchBot Meter Plus smart temperature and humidity monitor has an easy-to-read LCD screen
SwitchBot Meter Plus smart temperature and humidity monitor has an easy-to-read LCD screen
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