Hear patients who are difficult to auscultate with the Thinklabs One digital stethoscope. It lets you experience clear sound that’s amplified more than 100 times. Therefore, you can use it in loud, chaotic environments like the back of an ambulance or in an ER. Moreover, this gadget allows you to clearly hear heart, lung, or blood pressure sounds—even through patients’ clothes. And you can adjust the volume to hear to your liking. Best of all, the One is elegant and comfortable to wear, so you can take it on the go. Lightweight and compact, it fits in your pocket or hangs around your neck so you always have it on hand for immediate use. Finally, you’ll need to charge it only twice a week to examine 100–125 patients.
Thinklabs One digital stethoscope lets you experience sound that’s clear and amplified
Thinklabs One digital stethoscope lets you experience sound that’s clear and amplified
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