Use the power of science to improve your vehicle with the TriboTEX Vehicle Enhancing Nanoparticles.
This system increases your gas mileage and horsepower as well as “reverse wear” on your vehicle’s engine.
TriboTEX does all of this by utilizing anisotropic nanoparticle technology.
The nanoparticles invented have two sides: sticky to attach to surface and slippery to reduce friction.
Particles attach to surface one by one forming film. This film compensate for some accumulated wear providing a repair like effect.
In fact, research in the underlying technology had been funded by major US government funding agencies.
These super-small nanoparticles get working in as little as 15 minutes.
Simply warm up your engine and use the included syringe to squeeze 20ml of the dispersed nanomaterial into the oil tank.
TriboTEX decreases engine noise while the cylinders in your engine begin to form coating on your vehicle bearings and cylinders.
As a result ellipticity decreases and compression increases. It reduces friction ten times better than just oil. With all of the benefits, TriboTEX is made from ceramic material inert to the environment.
With simple application you can do anywhere, TriboTEX keeps your car running longer and more efficiently.