With the idea of creating a less addicting smartphone, Morrama User-Friendly Smartphone is here to free us from constant scrolling. With an asymmetrically designed back, the phone won’t show notifications while in its resting position. The phone also has two modes of use. One, called “enhanced mode,” maintains the typical functionality of the average iPhone or Android model. The other, called “mindful mode,” reduces functionality to the bare minimum, only allowing access to key apps such as the phone’s built-in calculator and camera. This mode allows you to use the phone as little more than a device with which to call people and helps minimize distraction. It’s a fantastic solution for those who constantly checking their phone and wish for a break from the constant information stream.
Morrama User-Friendly Smartphone is designed to help you stay in the moment
Morrama User-Friendly Smartphone is designed to help you stay in the moment
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