Vernte, a web3 research and innovation startup, launched Web3-capable smart headphones.
To help people experience the immersive world and bridge the technology affordability gap, the Custos Smart Headphones seamlessly give users access to a range of decentralized applications and services, offering a new world of possibilities.
The device has a 2″ high-resolution OLED Display, LTE capability, iLuminum high-speed OS (Android-lite), and Active Noise Cancelation (ANC).
They provide internet, communication, and entertainment capabilities. Moreover, they have a mute button and a voice assistant for convenient, hands-free use. They have an 8 octa-core 2.0.
Ghz mobile processor with hardware-accelerated gaming for sound and a web-based real-time communication experience.
Use Google Voice Assistant for routine tasks and ChatGPT Voice Assistant for advanced queries.
The Custos smart headphones are a standalone device requiring a screen for setup and configuration, but users will operate the device 95% of the time using their Voice Assistants.