The StratoLauncher IV Series water rocket launcher includes three models: StratoLauncher IV, StratoLauncher IV Deluxe, and StratoLauncher IV Ultimate.
No matter which one you choose, you’ll be setting yourself up for endless fun.
In fact, they can propel a two-liter plastic soda bottle more than 350 feet in the air! You can also use these launchers with most half-, one-, and 1.
25-liter bottles with air pressures from 15 to 120 PSI.
These easy-to-assemble metal water rocket launchers have a 125 PSI safety valve to prevent explosions.
They also come with screw-on StratoFins and a water fill funnel.
Great for teaching STEM skills and having an awesome time, the water rocket launcher kits are fully upgradeable and expandable.
You can even add accessories to create a complete launching system.
Launch your next rocket using the StratoFins, a homemade rocket, or an FTC (Fluorescent Tube Cover) rocket with the StratoLauncher IV series.