China’s Xiaomi has brought a fingerprint scanner to its range of affordable smartphones for the first time. The sensor, which is located on the reverse of the Redmi Note 3, is the most striking feature of the new 5.5-inch phablet, Also of note, the phone comes with a metallic body for the first time while Xiaomi has increased the device’s battery to a whopping 4000mAh capacity. Under the hood, the phone is powered by a Helio X10 chip from MediaTek. It comes in at 8.65mm thick and, at 164g, is 4g heavier than the previous Redmi Note 2also includes the same 13-megapixel front camera and five-megapixel rear camera as its predecessor. Most 4000mAh phones are thick & bulky. Redmi Note3 uses 690Wh/L high density battery to stay thin and light. The fingerprint sensor unlocks in just 0.3s. Body has a smooth sandblasted metal finish too. A classic smartphone that will make Xiaomi step into the mobile payments space in a major way.