Make the air fresher and cleaner in your home with the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 series.
It features a 3-in-1 filtration system that combines electrostatic charge and mechanical filtration technologies to trap 99.
97% of air pollutants. In fact, it can capture pollutants as small as 0.3 microns, including pet dander, cotton fiber, and more. Furthermore, the Xiaomi Smart Air Purifier 4 series maximizes filtration efficiency with PM 2.5 and PM 10 sensors. These sensors then detect inhalable particles of different sizes. Best of all, its ionizer captures floating pollutants to purifier your home. Finally, it’s compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant and includes an OLED touch display for quick viewing of AQI, temperature, and humidity statistics.
Overall, it’s available in 3 models—4, 4 Pro, and 4 Lite—to offer coverage up to 40m² entirely every 15 minutes.